NWA 2023: Workshop Proposal Form

The 2023 NWA Program Committee welcomes proposals for half-day and full-day workshops to be offered in conjunction with its Annual Meeting in Salem, Oregon. 

Annual Meeting dates are May 3-5, 2023. Workshops will be held May 3.

Deadline for workshop proposals is December 9, 2023.

For information about workshop proposal evaluation criteria please visit the Annual Meeting website https://northwestarchivistsinc.wildapricot.org/Annual-Meeting.

Questions or comments? Please contact Program Committee Chair Donna McCrea: donna.mccrea@umontana.edu
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Workshop Proposer / Primary Contact
Name: *
Email: *
Workshop Length

Workshop Title (100 characters)
Can be a working title
Workshop Description 
(300 word limit)
Target Audience  
Anticipated Outcome(s) for Participants
Minimum and Maximum Attendees
Workshop Fee Proposal
Provide information about proposed registration fee, and how much instructor(s) expect to be paid, if anything
Workshop Instructor 1
May be the same as the workshop proposer
Name *
Email *
Institutional Affiliation (if applicable)
Workshop Instructor Bio. 
Provide sufficient information to convey instructor knowledge/experience as it relates to workshop topic
(150 word limit)
NWA Membership Status *
Workshop Instructor 2
Institutional Affiliation (if applicable)
Workshop Instructor Bio. 
(150 word limit)
NWA Membership Status
Clear selection
Workshop Instructor 3
Institutional Affiliation (if applicable)
Workshop Instructor 3 Bio. 
(150 word limit)
NWA Membership Status
Clear selection
Questions for the Program Committee
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