Prayer Vigil
We will be praying for the church and for the healing and transformation of the world that Christ came to save during a Maundy Thursday vigil of prayer from Thursday, April 9 at 8:30pm through Friday, April 10 at 7pm (when Good Friday worship begins.)  Persons are invited to sign-up in increments of 30 minutes.

The Holy Spirit works in and through prayer.  “Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and alert and always keep praying” Ephesians 6:18.

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Please include your First & Last name. If you are signing up as a couple, please include the First & Last names of both people.
First Name(s) Only - OPTIONAL
In order to share the community in prayer, we may post a list that shows who is in prayer throughout this vigil. If you wish, you can add the first name(s) of the people who will be praying. In respect for your privacy, you can leave this blank if you wish!
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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