Let's Get ICE Out of the Courts
Recognizing the critical need to ensure that everyone has access to the courts, regardless of immigration status, we are petitioning Philadelphia Courts to adopt policies that limit Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) presence in these crucial civic spaces.

Recent immigration enforcement actions in and around Philadelphia’s court houses and other parts of our justice system have created an atmosphere of fear that acts as a significant barrier to justice for immigrants in Philadelphia. Documented and undocumented immigrants alike are afraid to come forward for fear of being picked up by ICE, meaning witnesses, defendants, victims, supportive family members, or simply members of the public are unable to access the court system.

Our coalition has had ongoing dialogue with representatives of the First Judicial District and is advocating for the following policy principles:

1) Limiting ICE presence in and around court houses and probation offices

2) Prohibiting all court personnel from divulging information to ICE about noncitizen defendants/probationers, including citizenship, immigration status, and home and work addresses

3) Prohibiting probation officers and other court personnel from detaining individuals on behalf of ICE unless a judicial warrant exists

By signing onto this petition, you are supporting the above policy principles. Please enter your name and organization name below.

For more information about our work, see https://clsphila.org/learn-about-issues/getting-ice-out-courts.
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