White Bear Area Fastpitch Softball Association Board Application
The WBAFSA is now accepting applications for some Board member positions.  If you are a current WBAFSA member in good standing and are interested in running for one of the open board positions, please complete the board member application below.  This is required to be a candidate for any position.

*All approved Board members must agree to and pass a criminal background check every 12 months of service, as well as additional training as deemed necessary while serving on the board.

Email *
Full Applicant Name *
Daughter(s) Name(s) and Level of play for the Current  Season  *
Address *
City/State/Zip *
Primary Phone *
Email Address *
Occupation *
About You (Anything to help us know you better, this can be short):
Please list any other Board member positions you have held or any consistent volunteer opportunities you have participated in.  *
List your attendance history at WBAFSA board meetings.  *
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