Apply to join Attribution Reporting API Trusted Tester Program
This program enables transitional debugging reports for cross app and web attribution without requiring advertising ID. 
Conectează-te la Google ca să îți salvezi progresul. Află mai multe
Company name *
Please include the name of the business unit if applicable.
Enrollment ID *
Enrollment is required to access the Privacy Sandbox on Android privacy-preserving APIs, including the Attribution Reporting API.
Name(s) of Point(s) of Contact *
Email Address(es) of Point(s) of Contact
Please use your corporate email address.
Why do you need to join the Trusted Tester program? *
Please include information on how you support cross app and web attribution today and rationale for why the advertising ID-based permissions for transitional debugging reports does not work for you.
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Acest formular a fost creat în domeniul Confidențialitate și Termeni și condiții