Volunteering with the Translation and Interpretation Project
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Translation and Interpretation Project with the Binger Center at the University of Minnesota Law School! Volunteers play a crucial role in ensuring clear communication between clients and lawyers, and maximizing relief options in legal cases.

We'd love to hear some more information about your interest and experience. Once we review submissions, we'll reach out to potential volunteers with more information about getting started.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Occupation/Employer *
Have you worked with TIPS before? *
Fluency in the Following Language(s) *
What is your background with the language(s) you speak/know? (We are asking this to make sure we can connect people with appropriate requests.) *
How did you learn about the Translation and Interpretation Project at the Binger Center? *
Which programs are you interested in? *
Volunteer opportunities often depend on the demand of services. What is your general availability to support with volunteering? (This is to give us a general sense. We will coordinate with you on a case by case basis.)  *
Not Available
By typing my name below, I hereby agree to be bound by the doctrine of confidentiality. I understand that in the course of my work as a translator and/or interpreter with the University of Minnesota Law School Law Clinic, I will be exposed to information regarding legal cases that must not be revealed to outside parties. I affirm that I will not discuss or reveal any information to any persons regarding any case I am exposed to without the express and direct permission of the client or their attorney.  *
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you or your interest in volunteering (i.e. time zone, travel plans, foreseeable changes in schedule, etc.) 
Would you like to be added to the Binger Center for New Americans Listserv? *
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