Join The Club! 

Welcome to Sober Black Girls Club Membership Form! If you didn't reach this form via our website, check us out and learn about who we are at before filling out this form. 

We’re so excited to have you join our growing community! The cost of membership is a donation to Sober Black Girls Club in any amount. Donations allow us to sustain our monthly operations. Every amount, big or small, makes a difference and helps us continue supporting our community.

With the recent administration, the Club can no longer rely on grant funding to ensure our existence, and we need our community to play a greater role. 

(Sober Black Girls Club is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible. Tax ID: 85-3753151.)

Here’s what to expect after submitting your form:

  • Memberships are processed during the last weekend of each month. Please include your name and  "Registration" in the note segment of your donation. Ex. Khadijat Registration
  • Once your membership is processed, you’ll receive a confirmation email.
  • In the meantime, feel free to attend our meetings and join our private Facebook group to connect with other members.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name  *
first and last 
Phone Number
Are you Black? 
How would you describe your ethnicity? (check all that apply)
Which category below includes your age? 
In your own words, what is your gender identity?
Select the term(s) with which you most identify, even if the same as above.
Are you? (check all that apply):
How do you envision our organization supporting you in your sobriety/recovery ?
What are you most excited about joining our community? (check all that apply)
Are you interested in volunteering within Sober Black Girls Club?
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Have you participated in a Sober Black Girls Club event in the past? If so, which event(s)?
How did you hear about Sober Black Girls Club?
Clear selection
Share your comments, questions and/or concerns with us: 
At Sober Black Girls Club, we value community, inclusivity, truth-telling, creativity, fairness and equity. Through our meetings, we know that we are not alone. We honor each member and understand that no two journeys along the same path are exactly alike. It is important to us that we engage in honest and open conversations so that we can name the feelings behind prior use and seek healing, and we are continuously looking for new and creative solutions to support our community and create more equitable support systems in recovery. 

Sober Black Girls Club membership involves adhering to, upholding, and supporting the following responsibilities: 
(1) To show up to all in-person meetings and events 100% alcohol and drug free. There is zero tolerance for attending any SBGC event under the influence of any recreational substances. 
(2) To respect all members’ names, pronouns, and accessibility needs. 
(3) To be mindful of language and glorification around sex, abuse, substance use, and addiction. 
(4) To apologize, correct, and move forward if a mistake is made. 

"I agree to adhere, uphold and respect the aforementioned values and responsibilities." 
The cost of membership is a donation to the Club in any amount. 

"I have made my donation via the donation link(s) provided in the beginning of this form." 

Donations allow us to sustain our monthly operations. Every amount, big or small, makes a difference and helps us continue supporting our community.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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