1733 St. John African Revolution Commemoration 2024 Registration Form
Registration Form for the USVI 1733 Commemoration Event for November 29, 2024
Event Cost: $37 adults/$17 youth 12 years and under

1733 St. John African Revolution Commemoration Tour Liability Waiver

Our policy requires a signed waiver for all tour attendees. By completing this form and waiver, you certify that you are 18 years or older, and an individual attendee, head of the below named family, or parent/guardian of the below named student(s) participating in the tour.

Please complete the information below and provide your electronic signature, by typing your name, to secure attendance. Thank you.

As it pertains to all below named/described participants, I agree to permit the use of my/our image and hold harmless and release from liability the tour coordinators and any employee or representative thereof, for any action, claim, or damage that may arise as a result of participation in this tour. 

In the event that I or any of the below named/described participants need emergency or medical treatment, every attempt will be made to reach the emergency contact listed below. If the attempts are unsuccessful, my authorized signature, typed below, below gives my permission to the coordinators to secure prompt treatment.
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Name (First, Last, Middle) *
Family, Group, Organization, or Agency
What is your email address?
How did you hear about this event?
Would you mind sharing any photos you take during the event with the 1733 event organizers for promotional use? We can give photo credit to the name provided. Please use the hashtag #Fortsberg1733 when posting online to help us find the pictures.
Phone number (optional)
Mailing Address
How many family members will accompany you? (Include yourself in the total.) 
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