BlackInTech Berlin Mentee Application Form
Thank you for your interest in the BlackInTech Berlin mentoring programme! Our goal is to match our community members as part of a mentoring relationship to empower and enable mentees with the tools they need to succeed in their chosen endeavours. 🚀

We will use your responses in this form to determine the best mentor for you. We will start reviewing the forms on the 20th of January and you can expect to receive a response from us within 2 weeks. 
Inicia la sessió a Google per desar el teu progrés. Més informació
Adreça electrònica *
First and Last Name  *

What is your current employment status?


What is your city and country of residence?

Which indusrtry do you currently work in?
Esborra la selecció
What is your area of expertise? *

Tell us about yourself and why you are looking for a mentor?


Please describe the strengths that you possess and are most proud of 


Please share the main challenge you are facing in your career or job search where you would appreciate guidance and support?


What value do you believe you can gain from a mentoring relationship?


What types of projects or tasks or activities energise you?


Do you have the capacity from a time perspective to commit to 1 x 1 hour mentoring session per month?


What do you want your mentoring sessions to focus on?


Please describe the type of mentor you feel would be most beneficial to you? (focussing on background, skills and experience)


Do you have a gender preference for your mentor?


Would you prefer a mentor that works in the same industry as you or you are flexible?

What have you done recently or otherwise where you feel you have been pushed out of your comfort zone? (can be personal or professional)
Any additional comments or questions? Please feel free to share here
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