Fiction Reading Response
Dear Sage Park Students,

Reading a book is a GREAT way to find your voice!  After you read a summer reading book, fill out the response below to earn yourself a raffle entry! There are some great prizes available for everyone who does their reading and responding. You should complete at least 5 responses between June and August....think a book every 2 weeks.  You can do it!
Have fun!
Mrs. Golec
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First Name *
Last Name *
Grade you are entering in the fall? *
Title of book: *
Author of book: *
How did you read this book? *
Why did you choose to read this book? *
How much did you enjoy reading this book? *
Not at all!
Best book EVER!
What did you like or dislike about the book? *
Answer these questions for your fiction book!
Whose point of view is the story told in? *
List some of the main characters: *
Choose one character and describe how he or she changed throughout the story: *
Tell me about the setting, or where and when the book takes place: *
What was the main problem? *
What was the solution to that problem? *
Theme Explanation (use for next question)
Did they story have a theme, moral (lesson learned), or message? If so, what was it?  Use chart above as a reference. *
What was the author's purpose in writing this story? *
Keep on reading! :)
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