Church Library-Pastor's Questionnaire
Please fill out this questionnaire to help form the values and purpose of the Grace Church library. Thanks for taking some time to fill this out. 
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How do you see the church library supporting your ministry at Grace Church? 
Very Important
Least Important
Items that help you study for teaching
Being able to recommend items in the library to help someone in their Christian growth
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If you have a comment from the above question, add it here.
What is the importance of these items in Grace Church's ministry (all of these having a Christian world view)?
Very Important
Least Important
Board books (birth to 4 yrs)
Picture books (3 yrs to 1st grade)
Easy readers (1st grade to 3rd grade)
Juvenile chapter books (2nd grade to 6th grade)
Young adult books (junior high and high school)
Adult fiction books
Commentaries and study books for lay people to use (like Wiersbe's "Be" series)
Christian life and growth items
Biographies of Christians
Study guide kits (teacher guides/student books/teaching DVDs, etc)
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If you have a comment from the above question, add it here.
My personal use of the church library...
If you have a comment from the above question, add it here
How would you describe the Mission of the church library?
What are 5-10 books you would like to see in the church library available for lay people? (Books you find yourself recommending to others).
Other thoughts regarding the church library?
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