Planned Sabbath Day Survey

Thank you for your interest in our Planned Sabbath Day Survey. Before we begin, let's briefly discuss what the Sabbath is and how our team is working to create a personalized daily Sabbath plan for you.

The Sabbath is a day of rest and spiritual rejuvenation, traditionally observed on the seventh day of the week. It's a time to step away from the busyness of everyday life and focus on connecting with your faith, family, and inner self. For the purposes of this survey, we define the Sabbath simply as a day dedicated to rest, reflection, and spiritual growth.

Our team is committed to designing a tailored Sabbath experience that aligns with your individual needs, preferences, and personal goals. By taking a few minutes to answer the following questions, you'll help us create a personalized daily Sabbath plan that best suits you.

Thank you for participating in our Planned Sabbath Day Survey! We aim to create a tailored and meaningful Sabbath experience for you. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions so that we can design a Sabbath day that best suits your needs, preferences, and personal goals.

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What is your email address?
What is your age?
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What is your profession?
What is your industry?
What is your location? (or nearest metro city?)
What does the Sabbath mean to you personally?

What are your primary goals for your Sabbath day? (e.g., rest, reflection, connection with God, family time, etc.)

What activities do you find most meaningful and rejuvenating?

What activities would you be open to trying for the first time on the Sabbath?
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Are there any specific religious practices or traditions you would like to incorporate into your Sabbath day?

Do you have any dietary restrictions or preferences we should be aware of when planning your Sabbath meals?

Do you have any accessibility requirements or limitations we should consider when planning your personalized Sabbath?

Are there any specific locations or venues you would like to include in your Sabbath day plans?

Would you prefer to spend your Sabbath day alone, with family, friends or with a community of faith?

Will this day include children? (If you have children)
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Would you like to have child-friendly events?
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Are there any technology-related boundaries you would like to set for your Sabbath day? (e.g., no phone usage, limited internet access, etc.)

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Are there any additional comments, concerns, or requests you would like to share with us regarding your personalized Sabbath day?

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your responses will help us create a meaningful and rejuvenating Sabbath day experience tailored to your needs and preferences. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out . We look forward to serving you and helping you craft your personalized Sabbath day!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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