Build With AI for Sustainable Growth: the Caucasus & Central Asia 2024 Hackathon 

Build With AI for Sustainable Growth - Caucasus & Central Asia 2024 is a dynamic hackathon organized by Google and StrategEast. It’s an exciting opportunity for developers and entrepreneurs from the Caucasus and Central Asia to use advanced AI tools to tackle pressing social and environmental challenges. With workshops, expert guidance, and a chance to win cash prizes, this hackathon is your gateway to making a real impact and showcasing your skills. Since March 2024, Google has conducted 27 workshops in six countries, reaching 900 developers.

Program Stages

1. Application Submission: Participants apply with their innovative ideas.

2. Workshops: A series of expert-led workshops by Google DevRel and StrategEast professionals to develop AI solutions. Information sessions will be held several times.

3. Hackathon: A culminating event where participants will work on creating tools and solutions to address key issues.

4. Networking: The final event includes a closing networking session.

Application deadline: August 15,2024
Offline final Hackathon and closing event - September 15, 2024 Astana city, Kazakhstan
Prize - $8 000 prize fund 

Covered Costs: Travel expenses to/from Astana and accommodation will be covered by organizers for selected participants.

 This initiative is a collaboration between StrategEast and Google, supported by USAID’s Future Growth Initiative. StrategEast is an independent NGO focused on the development of the digital economy in Eurasia. Google, a global technology leader, provides the most advanced AI model, Gemini, for this program. 

Review submission criteria here.


For technical questions, please feel free to reach out to Askar at or via Telegram at @AskarAi.

For organizational inquiries, you can contact the regional focal points from StrategEast:

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Name of the Project *
Upload your pitch youtube video 
Tell us about your idea shortly? *
Please send a link to your project presentation
Do you plan to use Google AI studio (gemini API) *

Which pressing social issue does your startup address?

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