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Questionnaire for the satisfaction of the competition
Section 1: Your Background Information
Instruction: Please put a tick ๐ in the circle of your answer.
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1. Please specify your gender?
Clear selection
2. Do you have a position in a sport team?
No, I am spectator (Skip to Article 4)
Clear selection
3. What is your position in a sport team?
Official staff / Coach
Team Manager
Clear selection
4. National / International federation member
Rowing Boat
Canoe Boat
Slalom Boat
Dragon Boat
Tradition Boat
Clear selection
5. How old are you?
Under 15 years
15 – 20 years
21-25 years
31-35 years
36-40 years
41-45 years
Over 46 years
Clear selection
6. What education do you have?
Junior High School
Senior High School / Vocational Certificate
High Vocational Certificate
Bachelor’s Degree / Undergraduate
Clear selection
7. What is your occupation?
Government Officer
Clear selection
8. What is the Country and Region of Athlete (Contestant only, if not from Thailand, please put your country in other)
North of Thailand
Middle of Thailand
East of Thailand
Northeast of Thailand
West of Thailand
South of Thailand
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9.How much is your the average of expense for the compettition in every time?
100-1,000 $
2,000-4,000 $
5,000-7,000 $
Moer than 6,000 $
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10.How many time have you been to Thaind to join the competition?
1-3 times
4-6 times
7-10 times
More than 10 times
Clear selection
11.What's your favorite place in Thailand? (Please specify)
Your answer
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