GM Crew Application
Applying to become a GM Network Ambassador
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About GM Crew Application
We are looking for ambassadors who can represent our brand worldwide. Ambassadors play a crucial role in community growth and building global connections. Applicants should have well-established connections within their local crypto community, serving as influential advocates, driving the expansion of GM Network's visibility and impact.
Name *
Your Discord ID
(e.g. 853222256532579005)

Your Twitter Link *
Your Telegram user name
Your EVM Wallet
(might have some usage 👀)
Country / Region
Language Skills
Do you have your own community?
(If yes, please provide the details in the next question.)

Your community link

Have you served as an ambassador for any crypto projects?
(If yes, please list the projects you have served as an ambassador for in the next question.)

Please list the projects for which you've served as an ambassador and briefly describe your contributions.

Have you organized any online or offline crypto events in your area?
(If yes, please list the events you've organized or provide social media links related to those events in the next question. )

Please list the events you have organized or provide social media links related to the events.
If you could recommend only three influencers for GM Network to reach out, whom would you suggest? 
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