Drachenwald website survey
Thank you for answering a few questions about the Drachenwald website! The web artificers are eager to hear how you got on, and how we can do better. The survey is anonymous - we don't want any information about who you are. We'll share the information among the web artificers and other officers so we can make the site (and other sites) better, and we may release some of the notable comments and aggregated data publicly.
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
What was your first impression of the site?
Did you find what you were looking for today?
How easy was the site to use?
Really difficult 😦
😀 Super easy
Which feature or page is most important to you?
Which feature or page is least important to you?
What's the most important feature we should add?
How often do you use the website?
How long have you played in the SCA?
And while you're here... how do you find out what's going on in the SCA?
Read it avidly
Only if I have to
This website
Other shire/group websites
Mailing lists
Dragon's Tale/other newsletters
Any other comments?
Source page
This answer is pre-filled by the website if it's needed - no need to enter it manually.
Google フォームでパスワードを送信しないでください。
このコンテンツは Google が作成または承認したものではありません。 不正行為の報告 - 利用規約 - プライバシー ポリシー