Choir Registration: 2024-2025 Season
Thank you for your interest in the choral programs operated by the Pensacola Children's Chorus! We are thrilled to have your child join us for our 35th season.

This registration form covers the following groups:
Resident Choir Program (based in downtown Pensacola)
Tri-City Children's Choirs (based in Century, FL)
Atmore Area Youth Choir (based in Atmore, AL)

This form is just STEP ONE in your child's registration process. 

After submission, you will be prompted to click a link to digital forms requiring an e-signature (STEP TWO). (In case you miss it, in 1-3 business days, you will also receive an email with this same link.) This only needs to be completed once per singer and then your child is fully registered!

If at any point you have questions during this process, please contact Heidi Siren (850) 434-7760 ext 6 or by emailing
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
CHILD'S LEGAL First Name *
*This is the DEFAULT name we will put on all name tags AND in the playbill unless otherwise noted in the provided "CHILD'S Preferred Name" slot below.
CHILD'S Last Name *
CHILD'S Preferred Name (*If applicable)
*This is the name we will put on their name tags AND in playbills/programs if different from their LEGAL first name listed above. Ex: Jonathan = "Johnny" | Catherine = "Cathy" | Thelma Marie = "Marie" | Robert = "Buddy" (Leave blank if legal first name is the preferred name.)
Child's Date of Birth *
Grade/Age Equivalent *
Please select the grade/age equivalent which best describes the child's circumstances for the 2024-2025 School Year. (*HOMESCHOOL: Please select child's AGE)
Child's School *
If your child's school was not included in the previous list, please provide it here:
Child's Gender *
Child's T-Shirt Size  *
*Youth sizes only available for grades 1-8 (Adult sizes available for ALL grades)
Is there anything else that is important for us to know about your child?
e.g. Preferred Pronouns, Neurological Conditions, Disabilities, Food Allergies, etc.
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