Romania Research Division Volunteer Form
The JewishGen Romania Research Division is looking for volunteers to help us increase our scope and output this year!  This includes the following roles and opportunities:

1. Transcribers and Validators
• Records are written in the Romanian language, and the record sets we are working with are from the late 1800s and early 1900s.  You do not necessarily need to understand Romanian to assist with transcription.  Even if you can enter names into spreadsheets, that in itself is a great help.
• Validators review spreadsheets after they have been completed to check for errors and consistency before the data is uploaded.

2. Town Leaders
• Records get acquired and processed only with the help of town leaders, who oversee projects.  Main responsibilities include working with volunteers and doling out assignments.

3. Local Assistance
• If you know anyone located in Romania who would be willing to (A) photograph records, or (B) photograph gravestones, please let me know.

4. Romania Researcher Liaison
• Help coordinate with the on-the-ground researchers/archivists in Romania, and be the main point-of-contact in communication regarding record acquisition and uploading into our database (no necessity to read/speak Romanian, although it is a plus).

5. Data Acquisition Director
• Search for and reach out to relevant researchers/communities/archives regarding record sets that JewishGen could potentially acquire.

6. Volunteers Director
• A person dedicated to Romanian Research Division who oversees communication with individuals who would like to get involved with the research division.

7. Website Developer
• We are looking for someone who can help update the outdated RomSIG website.  There is already a template in place, but we need someone with technical background to assist.

8. Administrative Help
• Help organize the research division's files, and help sort and make an inventory of the data in the org's possession (knowledge of Google Drive is a plus).

Anyone else who is otherwise interested in helping, please feel free to reach out!

Michael Moritz
Director of Romania Research Division
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Location *
Can you read Romanian? *
I am interested to volunteer in the following capacities (click as many as apply): *
Town(s) of interest *
If you selected "Town Leader," please identify what town is of interest to you to lead (or say if you have no preference).
If you selected "Local Assistance," please describe who might be of assistance, where that person is located, and any other helpful information.
Additional Comments
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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