Ramadan Child Care Program 2023 Registration Form
* Please fill out Form below to register your children in the program. Sign up now! 

*Some Highlights about Program:

  - Info -Child Care Program offered by ISNF to accommodate children visiting the Masjid during Taraweeh
hours while parents pray. Designed to keep children safe, occupied, and when possible, hold Kids’
Taraweeh prayers and halaqas. Also, to facilitate quiet, peaceful atmosphere for congregants.
When - Every night, March 22nd - April 20th, During Isha and 8 rakat Taraweeh Prayer, about 9pm-11pm

Includes - Hired, Responsible Child Care Givers to watch children in Banquet Hall
- Snacks every night
- Crafts
- Games
- Kids' Taraweeh Program on Weekends
Who - For ages 5-12. Children 0-4 must stay with parent throughout prayer and not disturb others. Mommy
and Me room is for this purpose. Children ages 13+ are welcome to attend babysitting to help w/
siblings or help out in general.
Fees - -Ages 5-12- $2 drop-in fee, or $40/child for entire month, $30 for siblings, regardless of how many days
attend. Ages 13+- $1/night or $20/month

Important!!!! Child or Teen could be prevented to attend babysitting if not following Care Giver's instructions
or causing disturbances. Incident Reports will be reported if major issues arise.

Please email Sister Barbara if you have any questions. carolynnsozen@gmail.com
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1st Child's Name (First and Last) *
1st Child's Age *
2nd Child's Name  (First and Last)
2nd Child's Age
3rd Child's Name  (First and Last)
3rd Child's Age
4th Child's Name  (First and Last)
4th Child's Age
1st Guardian's Name (First and Last) *
1st Guardian's Emergency Phone # *
2nd Guardian's Name (First and Last)
2nd Guardian's Emergency Phone # *
I agree to all of the expectations for parents and children above. I understand that if my child/children do not follow expectations, they will not be able to attend the program. *
Payment Options. Choose one please: *
I agree to complete and sign this Liability Form 1st my child is participating in the program. *
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