CREATE Coaching Feedback / 培訓回饋
Thanks for joining the CREATE coaching sessions, hope it has helped you to clarify your visions, strategies, and upgrade towards 10x mindset/habits!

We'd appreciate you to take 1 minute to record/feedback your learning/gains today! Thanks!

感謝您參加 CREATE 系列課程!希望有幫助您釐清願景,規劃策略,及升級培養 10x 思考的心智模式和習慣!

邀請您花 1 分鐘紀錄/回饋一下您在今天課程的收獲!感謝您!
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Name / 姓名 *
What's ONE learning/gain for you today, and ONE action to take afterwards? 您今天上 CREATE (創造) 課程的一個收獲和一個行動為何?  *
Do you agree we can share your feedback for promotional purpose in future? 是否同意, 您的分享可用在課程的未來推廣? *
If you agree to share, how would you like to be seen? (for example: SY, founder of Imonology. You can ignore this if you've answered it before). 若您願意分享,希望如何被稱呼? (如: 意門科技 創辦人 胡舜元. 已寫過可省略)
Any questions/suggestions related to today's coaching? 是否有今天培訓相關的提問或建議?
Would you be willing to recommend friends to join? (1: least likely; 10: most likely) 您願意推薦朋友來參加嗎? (1: 不會推薦 10: 一定推薦)
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