The West of Ireland Open, Galway 2023
Location: Kingfisher sports hall, University of Galway 
(H91 X53V) 
Date: Saturday the 14th of October to Sunday the 15th of October.
-Must have a valid Fencing Ireland Membership
-Must have appropriate fencing gear
-under 18s must have parental letter permitting attendance
Entry costs:
-One weapon: €20
-Two weapons: €25

Sign up Closes on the 12 of October, There is a €5 Late entry fee

Doping is contrary to the spirit of sport and every member has a duty to ensure that the fencing is free of doping.
Fencing Ireland is compliant with the World Anti-Doping Code and the regulatory framework of Sports Ireland.
Any fencer competing in a Fencing Ireland competition is eligible for testing.
Under the 'Strict Liability' principle within the Anti-Doping regulations athletes are responsible for any substances in their body. The WADA Prohibited List is the comprehensive list of banned substances:
For more information on anti-doping rules and regulations please see the Anti-doping page on the Sport Ireland website - 

If you believe you require a Therapeutic Use Exception (TUE) please contact Fencing Ireland.
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Date of Birth (if under 18)?
Fencing Ireland Number? *
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Club/College? *
Events on Saturday October 14th
Events on Sunday October 15th
Availability to act as Referee for either day of the competition?
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