The OMI Green Team invites all youth ages 2 (two) and up (yes family members are welcome too) to participate in environmental programs every first Sunday of the month, rain or shine. Next up Sunday April 2. Program activities will be adapted to the age of registered participants. Activities may include (tree)planting, trimming perennials, (storm)water management, environmental education such as reduction in using plastics and more.  

The OMI Green Team is the umbrella of the congregational  Green Teams within OMI/Meeting House. We have received four grants to enhance the "Greening of OMI". You may have noticed a new water fountain (with bottle filling station) and new waste management stations popping up around the building. Part of our grant activities is environmental education, and this is where YOU come in. Check out for event and activities listings and photos.  Coming up soon: signups for the May 7 Green Spring Fling environmental fair with free native perennial plants for Mother's Day.

Sunday March 12 Youth Green Team event will focus around plastic reduction, recycling and composting. Event time is 12:30 to 4 in 30 minute slots, rain or shine. Times of age appropriate events will be emailed to participants the week before the event. Pre-K, elementary and middle school youth need an adult accompanying them. Depending on age, programs can run from 30 min to 3 hours starting at 12:30. Be prepared to get dirty! If more than 5 youths are coming in a group, please fill out additional forms.

We will consolidate all responses and will email times of age appropriate events to registered participants the week before the event.  Please pre-register!

As always we can use program volunteers: high school to 82+ - no meetings and we train you! 
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Preferred timeslot (check as many as you want) *
Cell Phone number for contact day of event *
Name and Age of Participant 1 *
Name and Age of Participant 2
Name and Age of Participant 3
Name and Age of Participant 4
Name and Age of Participant 5
Name and Age of Adult 1 (If a high schooler or older put name here) *
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