Investment Questionnaire
Buying an investment property is very exciting (and a little anxiety inducing), we are here every step of the way with you! We will help find you the right property and then diligently negotiate in your best interests and get you to closing! Please fill this form with as much detail as you can. This will help us as we begin our search and get to know you.
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Email *
In what name do you intend to take title?
Preferred Nicknames:
Primary Contact:
Cell Phone #:
Email Address:
Preferred Hours of Contact:
Preferred Method of Contact:
Birthday (Because we like to celebrate our clients):
Anniversary (if applicable):
Are you a Veteran? *
Additional Contact:
Cell Phone #:
Email Address:
Preferred Hours of Contact:
Preferred Method of Contact:
Birthday (Because we like to celebrate our clients):
Are they a Veteran?
Clear selection
Favorite snacks, drinks, restaurants & hobbies:
Favorite Charity:
Wine Preference:
Children and/or others living in the house (Names & Birthdays):
Reason for Buying:
Time frame for the purchase:
# Bedrooms:
# Bathrooms:
# Living:
# Garage spaces:
# Stories:
Square Feet:
Age of Home:
Price Range:
Location/ School District:
Requirements/ preferences for your investment property & community amenities desired:
Concerns about the buying process:
Do you currently or have you previously owned an investment property?
Clear selection
How much do you plan to put down?
Are you pre-approved?
Would you consider investing in another area of the state/country (we have colleagues all over that we partner with)?
How do you prefer to work or make decisions?
How did you hear about us or who may we thank for referring my services to you?
People (& Contact Information) you know that might like my help with Real Estate needs:
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