Join the Sheffield Magazine team!
Sheffield Magazine is an outlet for Sheffielders to write about whatever they'd like, so long as it links to our gorgeous city.

Examples include upcoming gigs, new shops opening, rating your favourite bars, buildings you love...

Anything you want to write about, let us know! It's all about you having an outlet to say whatever you want to say.
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What is your name, and pronouns?
What aspect of the Zine would you be interested in? You can select multiple.
What type of topics are you interested in contributing? Again, you can select multiple.
Do you have an idea already about what you'd like to contribute? Be it write, take photos for etc.
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If yes, let us know, include plenty of detail if you have it so we can really visualise it.
Are you interested in contributing more than one piece?
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Outline any other ideas you may have/interests/information you think may be useful for me to know.
Please tick that you understand this is a project currently ran by one person, simply aimed to share how great Sheffield is. The project has no funding as of yet, so no payment will be involved.
The project is entirely voluntary... including for myself! The digital zine WILL be free for all to read. If it is successful, hopefully we can look at making it work longer term with payment for work involved.
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If you'd like to discuss anything, please get in touch with us at

We’ll be in touch shortly, thank you!
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