#VoteTogether Post-Event Survey for Nonprofit Partners
Woohoo! Congratulations on your amazing voting parties! We loved seeing all the photos and videos and appreciate all your work during the midterm elections.

As a part of the grant agreement and to hear more about how your events went, please complete this report by 11/15. Please only fill out one survey per party.

Additionally, per our previous emails we encourage you to send any photos, videos, quotes, stories, etc. to stories@votetogetherusa.org.

Thanks again!

Grace & the #VoteTogether team
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Organization Name: *
Email Address: *
Phone Number: *
How many people came to your party? *
Please list out how you spent your award (all items purchased and amount). *
What would you do differently next time? *
What is one thing you would definitely repeat? *
Tell us any other thoughts about your party.
Please share any meaningful voting stories, quotes, or anecdotes from your event.
Would you host a voting party again? *
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