Mentee Application 
This is the mentee application form for the Data for Health Gender Equity Mentorship Program.

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Personal details 

1. Full Name:
2. Phone Number (please include country code):

Can you receive WhatsApp messages and/or texts at this number? 

3. Email Address:
4. Country of current residence:
5. Primary language or language(s) you prefer to use with your mentor(s):  *

Demographic information 

6. Gender:
If you prefer to self-describe, please describe your gender here:
7. Age in years:

Educational background 

8. Highest level of education completed: 
9. Year of completion of highest degree:  
10. Organization
11. Data for Health Program Involvement (check all that apply) *
12. Country where you work:  *
13. Job Title:  *
14. How long have you been working in this position?  *
15. How long have you been working in this field?  *
Mentorship needs and expectations
16. On which aspects of professional development are you looking for mentorship? Keep in mind that all mentorships will be conducted with a focus on gender equity in health data and beyond. (Check all that apply.): *
If you checked "Technical areas of expertise", please specify:
17. Do you have any preferences for the characteristics of your assigned mentor(s)? (Check all that apply.): *
If you checked "From my country of origin", please specify:
If you checked "Same ethnic background", please specify:
18. Is there anything else we should know about what you are hoping to gain from this mentorship opportunity focused on gender equity in health data? 

For any queries, please send your questions to Vidhi Maniar, Program Manager at the Gender Equity Unit, at

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