How Many Pets Have You Had in Last 5 Years? If Not with You Where Are They? *
Your answer
Do You Own or Rent? (confirmed in assessor records) *
Your answer
If Renting We Need Your Landlords Name and Phone Number *
Your answer
Do you know of any pet restrictions in your community or home (such as in a rental agreement)? *
Your answer
Are you and your family prepared for possible chewing, clawing, scratching, etc. *
How many hours a day would the pet be alone? *
Your answer
Who is your present Veterinarian or intended Veterinarian? Vets name, clinic name and phone number. *
Your answer
Do you plan on keeping your dog indoor, outdoor, both? *
Your answer
If after all training options have not stopped the negative behavior what would you do? *
Your answer
Are there any conditions in which you would surrender your pet?
For example, Allergies, cries too much, chews on things, unruly behavior, bites someone, other. Please explain.
Your answer
Are you financially prepared to provide any/all care needed for this pet to live a long & healthy life? Will you commit to this animal for a possibility “up to 20yrs” *
Do all members of your family support the adoption of this animal? *
How do you intend to “discipline” or correct the new pet? *
Your answer
What behavior do you see “unacceptable” and deem justified to return the dog to the rescue? *
Your answer
Do you have a fenced yard? If yes what type of fence, how tall? *
Your answer
What’s your activity level for your lifestyle? *
If you do not have a fence are you willing to fence in your yard before you get the dog? *
What is your plan for vacations/emergencies/ or your untimely demise for the care of the animal? Do you have a back up plan? *
Your answer
Do you promise to get your animals vaccinated when they are due? *
If you ever need to move, what do you plan on doing with your animals? *
Your answer
Is this your first pet? If Not continue with application Yes skip to signature *
How many pets do you have now? What are the ages and personality types. *
Your answer
Will all the family members be home when the rescue makes their “home check”? If No please explain - *
Your answer
Do you currently have any pets with major health problems or behavioral issues? *
Your answer
Are your current animals “up to date” with their vaccines? If not, please explain why? *
Your answer
Are your current animals spayed/neutered? When /where? If not please explain why not? *
Your answer
Is your current dog/dogs on heart worm prevention What kind, brand? *
Your answer
Have you ever experienced a pet dying? If yes dog/cat? where/when? Date & Cause: *
Your answer
Have you ever surrendered a pet before? Why & When? *
Your answer
Have any of your pets ever run away? If yes, what did you do *
Your answer
Application Date *
Signatures *
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.