Dragonfly Choir Registration Form, Fall Semester 2024 (for 1st & 2nd grade BOY Singers) October 17th - December 13th 
Welcome to Dragonflies! --for 1st & 2nd grade boy singers. There are no auditions for this choir, only registrations. 

To register boys in grades 3 - 6, and girls in grades 2 - 12:  

For more information: www.wschoralacademy.org / wschoralacademy@gmail.com / (336) 922-4073
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E-Mail-Adresse *
Welcome to Dragonflies, our brand new choir for 1st & 2nd grade boys! 
*Rehearsals are on Thursdays from 5:45 - 6:30 pm, at Centenary United Methodist Church (downtown next to the Public Library)
Today's Date *
How did you find out about us? 
(please check all that apply)
First & Last Name of Singer *
Grade in School as of August *
Name of School *
Birthdate *
Main Contact Phone #, including Area Code *
Mailing Address (Street/PO Box) *
City and Zip Code *
Email Address(es) to send Chorus Information *
(Please separate email addresses with a comma)
Parent/Guardian 1: Full Name *
Parent/Guardian 1: Cell Phone *
Parent/Guardian 1: Place of Employment *
Parent/Guardian 1: Work Phone *
Parent/Guardian 1: Mailing Address if Different from Above
Parent/Guardian 2: Full Name
Parent/Guardian 2: Place of Employment
Parent/Guardian 2: Cell Phone Number (including area code)
Parent/Guardian 2: Work Phone
Parent/Guardian 2: (Mailing Address if Different from Above)
Other Emergency Contact: Name & Relationship to the Singer *
Another person, relative or other, who is actively involved with family assistance, such as transportation, childcare, etc. Please also list the relationship to the singer (grandparent, aunt, etc.)
Other Emergency Contact: Cell Phone *
Child's Medical Doctor and Emergency Contact Number *
Primary Health Insurance Policy Number & Company Name *
List Food or Medicine Allergies (or state "None" if there aren't any) *
Medications taking on an Ongoing Basis
Please list any conditions or special needs of which WSCA should be made aware to help support your child for full success in the group. *
Including ADD/ADHD, Aspergers, Diabetes, etc. (this information is kept fully confidential)
I HEREBY GIVE MY PERMISSION TO THE Winston-Salem Choral Academy Personnel and/or qualified medical personnel to act on my behalf in securing and administering all necessary emergency care for my child.

Pick-up Authorization List:
The following individuals, in addition to the guardians and emergency contact listed above, are authorized to pick up my student from Dragonfly rehearsals and events. Please separate names with a comma. 
Winston-Salem Choral Academy is permitted to use photo and video images of my child taken during the program for publicity purposes (WSCA website, newsletters, flyers, etc.). I understand that the chorus has exclusive rights to all image(s) taken by WSCA on or off-site. Equally, I attest that no payment has been negotiated and that I am providing my consent without the expectation of payment now or in the future. In consideration of the benefits to be derived, and having confidence that reasonable precautions will be taken to ensure the safety and well being of my child, I hereby agree to her participation, and waive all claims against the directors, staff, and volunteers.
I grant my permission to include our contact information in the chorus roster that will be sent ONLY to chorus personnel and chorus families. I understand that this information will be treated confidentially and given only with my permission. (This is to be able to contact other parents for the purpose of carpooling, parent volunteer information, etc.)
Payment Information: 
$50 Registration Fee and $85 tuition payment, total of $135.00 due by October 1st.
You can opt to register for BOTH the Fall and Spring Semesters for a discount; $82 registration Fee, $82 due by September 1st; third payment of $82 due by November 1st.
(Spring Semester is March 20th - May 6th)
An invoice will be sent via PayPal for payments due, and can be paid by either check or money order. Checks can either be brought to a rehearsal or mailed to 4105 Sewanee Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27106. Please note postmark deadlines. Class size is limited; your child's space is guaranteed with deposit only. 
Invoicing Information *
An invoice will be sent via Paypal for payments due, and can be paid by either check or money order. Checks can either be brought to a rehearsal or mailed to 4105 Sewanee Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27106. Please note postmark deadlines. Class size is limited; your child's space is guaranteed with deposit only. 
Need more information? Call us at (336) 922-4073, or email at wschoralacademy@gmail.com, or visit our website at www.wschoralacademy.org
Please make sure to add "wschoralacademy@gmail.com" to your email so you can receive reminders! (You may need to check your SPAM folder)
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