Democratic Party of Sacramento County Associate Membership Application Form
Associate Membership in the Democratic Party of Sacramento County (DPSC) is open to all registered Democrats in the State of California. Individuals who are younger than 18 years old but have pre-registered to vote, or individuals who are ineligible to vote, may become Associate Members if they pledge to register as a Democrat as soon as they are eligible to register to vote.

Associate Members can serve as voting members of DPSC standing committees and subcommittees. Associate members can attend DPSC Central Committee meetings and shall have a right to speak, but not the right to vote. Associate Members are eligible to be appointed as DPSC Central Committee delegates to the California Democratic Party state convention, and may also serve as proxies for the Central Committee’s delegates to the convention.

NOTE: By hitting "submit" on this application, you agree to abide by the rules and requirements of associate membership set forth by the DPSC Bylaws for the duration of your membership.
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First Name? *
Last Name *
Pronouns? *
Email Address? *
Phone number? *
Address? *
Occupation? *
Employer? *
Have you paid dues to be an Associate Member of DPSC? *
In order to be an Associate Member of DPSC, an individual must pay annual dues of $25. Your application for associate membership will not be complete until you pay your dues. You can pay dues online at:
Which DPSC standing committees are you interested in serving on? *
In order to be an Associate Member of DPSC, an individual must pay annual dues of $25. You can pay dues at:
How did you find out about the Democratic Party of Sacramento County?
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