Real Free Life #12 Application
Thanks for your interest in joining RFL12. This is a 8-week live online coaching program with Kevin Rogers. You get 4 modules (taught live) + 4 open Q&A calls and will come away with a new business positioning you as the go-to leader in your chosen specialty.  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
How long have you been serving clients as a freelancer?
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What kind of services do you currently offer? *
Are you freelancing full time or part time? 
What level of MONTHLY revenue are you currently earning from the services you offer? *
Based on this roadmap, which phase do you feel you are in right now? *
Captionless Image
What is the SINGLE biggest challenge in your freelance business right now? *
What is the MOST IMPORTANT goal you have right now? *
Over the next 12 months, what are 3 areas of your life where you would like to make major progress? *
On a scale from 0-10, with 10 being the highest, how important is it for you to reach the goals you have shared on this application? *
Not important
Mission critical
If you are a right fit for this group, and are invited to join, we want you to be you be the next success story. Why do you think you would be a good fit? *
The price to join RFL is $2,997 or 3 payments of $1,099 (saving $300 if you pay in full).

Are you ready to make that investment?
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Anything else you want me to know or ask before we chat further? *
Congrats! You're ready for the final step of your application to join our next Real Free Life Cohort. Now, just pick a time to meet with your Community Director Lolita (Lola).

Click here to access her automatic scheduler.
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