E-Board Elections Application 2021
If you would like to apply to become part of the AIChE E-Board Position for next year (Fall 2021-Spring 2022), please answer the following questions. You may apply for more than one position.

Here is a PowerPoint Presentation about the responsibilities for each of the positions: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yCJqgFsd2QgWZm02JblwftazyrPoSnTu-fitAm8ZmnU/edit#slide=id.gbe3da1071a_1_5

Instructions to apply:
1) You must be a Chemical Engineering Major.
2) Answer the following questions to the best of your ability.
**This application will close on Sunday, March 7th at 10:00 PM.**
3) Attend the E-Board election day on Thursday, March 11th @U-Hour on Zoom
Give a 1-2 minute speech introducing yourself and why you feel that you are best fit for the position(s) you are applying for.
**For those who will not be able to attend this meeting due to schedule conflicts, please create a PowerPoint slide with your name, picture, and a typed version of your speech. Send it to aicheatcpp@gmail.com before the election day.**
4) Prepare to answer some questions from the audience/current E-Board members regarding the position.

If you are interested in running for the Mentorship Chair Position, you MUST have been a member of the AIChE Mentorship Program for at least 1 semester (or 1 quarter) as a mentor or a mentee.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at aicheatcpp@gmail.com

Thank you for applying!

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Email address *
What is your name ? (First and Last) *
What position(s) would you like to run for? *
What class are you going to be in for the 2021-2022 school year? *
Why do you want to be a part of the AIChE E-Board? *
What would you want to change about AIChE for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year? *
Do you have any additional questions or concerns for us?
Is this a rabbit or a duck? *
What is your favorite color (and why)?
What is your favorite ice cream flavor (and why)?
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