Bybee Research and Travel Award in Electrical and Computer Engineering

The Bybee Award is awarded annually to Rice ECE undergraduate students. The award is provided by Dr. Hal H. Bybee, Jr., '64, to support undergraduate juniors or seniors in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Applicants seeking financial assistance for design projects, research, or study abroad opportunities are encouraged to apply in the spring semester. Funding rate and the number of awards distributed vary but will typically fall between $500 and $2,000.

The award recipients will be chosen by merit of the project. The deadline to apply is April 17th, 2023. Winners will be notified by end of April.

To apply, please complete this form and also email the detailed budget to For questions, please contact Norma Santamaria at

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Name *
Rice Email Address *
Current year and expected graduation year
What will this award be used for (in 100 words or less)
Please describe the work you will be doing (in 100 words or less)
What is the total amount that you would like to request for the Bybee Award? Please send us a detailed budget including the estimate amount of each budget item by email to *
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