What's the best digital strategy for your business going forward
If the  Recent Facebook, WhatsApp Instagram outage left you concerned... drop your questions below!

At a time when over 60% of the global population had concerns with how they earn. We chose to create a blue print process that would specifically help those with idea find clarity and a path to launch! September 2021 we will take in a new group and guide them through that process! If you are interested in joining the group program or would rather a one on one consult please fill out this form...

Tell me your Challenge in Starting Up
Feel free to ask your question on building solutions or products and services you believe your community needs or would appreciate! Not sure- then state what you would like to see. Start simple eg...  "You Know how...  You find yourself thinking up ideas for products  or projects, you want to do or that you believe can help sustain your community or yourself but you find it hard to start and even harder to figure out " how to" actually  DO, execute all the aspects far less earn a profit?    Well I'm exceptional at helping folks sort  through those ideas and getting them through to a point where they can not only sustain themselves! But earn a profit *
feel free to share a link to image/s of your work link to album, video photo, website
FB  Business or Personal photo album will suffice
Comments/Query... #AskMe
You will be sent a link to register for a free 15 minute chat please white list   ModeKompas at DeMarketplace dot com
Would you like to be notified of our current or upcoming seminars on solutions !  We need your permission as well as a contact you will check! Kindly enter your... preferred contact- Email,  USA Phone #, Telegram(international) or "No" *
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