Higher Ed Worker Attack & Retaliation Tip Form
Dear Colleagues,

Please use this form to report attacks on and retaliation against higher education workers who speak out about the violence in Gaza and/or call for a ceasefire through their free speech, teaching, research, service, or organizing work. 

These higher ed workers are often accused of being "antisemitic" or "pro-Hamas" in the right-wing media ecosystem and are now also facing legislative attempts to curtail their freedoms of expression and association. Faculty First Responders has been monitoring targeted attacks on higher ed workers since 2020, sending support and resources to those who are attacked in right-wing "news" stories.

In addition to this work, we believe it is now time to begin crowdsourcing narratives and evidence of attacks on and retaliation against higher ed workers that are currently going under the radar, avoiding press coverage, and thus obscuring our view of the real threats against higher education workers in the present moment. 

To help us uncover, track, and respond to a broader range of attacks on higher ed workers who speak out about violence in Gaza and a ceasefire, please fill out this form if you are aware of a public or private attack on or retaliation against a faculty member, staff member, administrator, postdoc, graduate employee, or other type of higher education professional. We have deliberately left the definition of "attack" and "retaliation" broad here, because we know they can take many forms. If you know about multiple attacks or retaliation incidents, please submit a new form for each one. 

This data is available only to the three of us named below, i.e. the staff of Faculty First Responders, for the time being. Please contact facultyfirstresponders@gmail.com with any questions, ideas, or requests to collaborate or share data. We would love to hear from you.

Thank you for your time and your contribution to this crucial data-collection project,
Isaac, Heather, and Rana

Isaac Kamola, Trinity College, FFR Founder, Director, and Responder
Heather Steffen, Georgetown University, FFR Programs Coordinator and Responder
Rana Jaleel, University of California, Davis, FFR Responder

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Optional: Your Name
Optional: Your Email Address or Phone Number
If you would like us to contact you for any reason (resources, support, collaboration, community), please leave your preferred contact information here.
Name of Attacked Worker
We will not contact them unless you ask us to do so. 

If you do not know their name, write Unknown.

If you do not wish to share their name, write Withheld.
Attacked Worker's Higher Ed Job or Position
Be as specific or as vague as you would like here. For instance, you could name the institution, department, and job title to be very specific. Or you could write something like "PhD student in the humanities at a research university" to be very vague and maintain the attacked worker's anonymity.

If you do not know this information, write Unknown.

If you do not wish to share this info, write Withheld.
Optional: Attacked Worker's Contact Information
If you are confident that the attacked worker would like Faculty First Responders to reach out to them with support and resources, please include their email address and/or phone number here. We will contact them through facultyfirstresponders@gmail.com or personal cell phones to avoid the use of institutional channels.

Please also let us know if we should say that you connected us or whether we should simply say we got a tip.
Description of Attack or Retaliation
What happened in this incident? Please write what you know about this attack or retaliation against a higher education worker. Feel free to tell the whole story or to only drop in a short description. We welcome any relevant information, and we leave it to your discretion whether to include names, institutions, or other identifying information in your answer.
Where did you find out about this attack or incident of retaliation? Select all that apply.
Follow-Up Options
Please select one or more of the options below to let Faculty First Responders know how you would like us to use this information.
Anything Else?
Is there anything else you'd like FFR to know, think about, or do to support the free speech and academic freedom of workers in higher education? Please feel free to include anything you like here: questions, concerns, analysis of today's situation, etc.
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