To see if you qualify to be accepted by Mr. Padilla as a Mentee fill out this application.
Please answer these questions by being brutally honest with yourself.
Mr. Padilla is only accepting 7 Highly Dedicated Mentees for the next 4 months.   
You do NOT need to have experience.
BUT you do need to be passionate about creating lifelong passive income, true wealth, time freedom and be willing to work hard to create your legacy.   
If you are looking for a “Get Rich Quick Scheme” or to just make a “Paycheck” this Mentorship is not for you.
Name *
Email *
Phone number *
1. Do you have any real estate experience?
1a. Specifically, what is your experience? *
1b. What courses have you completed? *
1c. Who has mentored you? *
2. What do you currently do for work or what type of business do you have?
3. Identify your TOP 5 Problems with your current JOB or Business?
4. What are you in denial about regarding your current JOB or Business?
5. If you do not commit to making this PIVOT and become the investor, where will you be financially & emotionally in the next year?
6. What is your net worth? 
No bullshit! Be brutally honest. =$_____________
7. WHY is your net worth NOT where it should be? Be honest with yourself.
8. If you died tonight, how much passive income would your loved ones receive per month?
9. How many summers do you have left before you turn 60 years old?
10. Why do you want to participate in Mr. Padilla’s intensive training?
11. Why do you want to invest in Apartment Buildings & CommercialProperty?
12. What are your Top 5 Personal Goals?
13. What are your Top 5 Business Goals?
14. What 3 fears are stopping you from creating & living your dream “Lifestyle”? What keeps you awake at night?
15. Give us 3 honest reasons WHY you should be selected to be ONE of the 7 mentees that Mr. Padilla will personally mentor?
16. If you make this PIVOT and become an investor in multimillion dollar deals; 
(A) What would you realistically like your net-worth to be in the next 5 years?
16b. How much monthly passive income, realistically, do you want to create in
the next 5 years, so you can live your “Dream LIFESTYLE”? =$______________
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