Dare to Stay Contest!
DARE TO STAY, Braden and Willow’s second chance story, is coming soon - January 26th - and to celebrate the upcoming release I’m giving away 2 chances to win this amazing FEED Bag, a surprise signed Carly Phillips book and a packet of Carly Goodies. 2 WINNERS! Not only are these a great carry bag, the purchase of these bags provide school meals to vulnerable communities.

To Enter do one of the following:

Follow on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2C4ULs3

Add Dare to Stay to your TBR on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50643031-dare-to-stay

Follow Carly on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carlyphillips/

PREORDER Dare to Stay!
Available 1/26


Kindle: smarturl.it/DTStayKindle 
Nook: smarturl.it/DTStayNook
Apple: smarturl.it/DTStayApple
Kobo: smarturl.it/DTStayKobo
Googleplay: smarturl.it/DTStayGoogleplay
AmazonPrint: smarturl.it/DTStayAmazonPrint 

*No purchase necessary to enter.
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Surprise Signed Paperback + Tote bag
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