PaLRaP News Items
Please use this form to submit news item for publication in *Pennsylvania Libraries: Research and Practice*. Submissions should include: information about staffing changes (new hires, retirements, etc.), news about state or national awards/recognition to libraries or library staff, and news of events or new initiatives happening in Pennsylvania libraries that may be of interest to those outside of that institution. Items submitted should be a maximum of 300 words. The editors retain the right to edit news submissions for length and clarity.

Please do not submit requests to acquire/give away materials or equipment, advertisements for products, job advertisements, information about libraries outside of Pennsylvania, or information from other professional associations (unless it directly involves Pennsylvania librarians).

Thank you for your interest. If you have questions, email us at palrap {at} mail {dot} pitt {dot} edu.
Jacob Gordon, News Editor, and Stephanie Campbell, Assistant News Editor
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