Register to Join the BIERA PESS Group
The Frank R Laughtenberg 21st Century Chemical Safety Act passed into law in the USA provides us all with better transparency surrounding chemical exposures.  This is important because some chemicals have very serious consequences for our health and lives.  By joining the BIERA PESS Group, you will be registering as someone exposed to silicone in breast implants, fillers and /or other surgical implants.

For decades breast implant manufacturers and the health and safety regulators have promoted a safety narrative for “medical grade” silicone used in breast implants: But is it true?  Is silicone safe for women or babies exposed during pregnancy or breast feeding?

PESS stands for Population of Exposed/Susceptible to Substance.  PESS groups are represented at Toxicity Assessments so that chemical, health and environmental agencies can review the true impact of these chemicals to health and life.

This is particularly important for chemicals known to have endocrine disrupting effects like D4 a siloxane used in the manufacture of silicone gel for breast implants.  D4 is recognised as having EDC effects by Chemical Regulators in Europe.    Below you can see the labelling for D4 in Europe.

You can register to learn more about the chemical composition and effects of silicone on health and wellbeing. We will keep you informed of any studies and/or research and regulatory and legal challenges that you may be interested to participate in.

You can register yourself and make separate registrations for exposed children by adding the child’s parent’s name to each entry.

Once registered, we will keep you updated with details of TSCA (Toxic Substance Control Act) Assessments we are representing our BIERA PESS Group.  

BIERA is the Breast Implant Evidence and Research Archive part of GPAC United   

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Official EU Label for Reproductive Toxin
Name *
Email *
I am completing this PESS registration for 
Please add your Name if you are a parent completing registration for a child.
PESS Exposure to Silicone is from
Breast Implant Brand : please check all that apply.  If you do not see your brand listed please add it to the list.
Have you been diagnosed with a cancer BEFORE silicone exposure? *
Breast Cancer
Brain Cancer
Lung Cancer
Other Cancer
Have you been diagnosed with any cancer AFTER  Silicone Exposure?
Under investigation
Breast Cancer
Breast Implant Cancer (BIA-ALCL)
Liver Cancer
Brain Cancer
Lung Cancer
Other Cancer
Clear selection
Please list ANY health diagnoses since silicone exposure
If you have any questions or queries or you decide to unsubscribe from the BIERA PESS group, please email us at
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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