DNA Match Scientific Research Survey
This project will not only allow for better evaluations of DNA tools like SegcM, but will be used to make future improvements and build new tools. Since this project is in its early stage, sharing the survey on social media in addition to adding a couple of submissions will help greatly.

In order to submit data to this form, you'll need to have access to DNA tests and be able to compare to some known relatives. The main goal will be to see how many segments and total centiMorgans (cMs) are shared between known relatives. Each DNA site reports information differently. Those differences will be recorded here in order to have a more comprehensive dataset.

Previous studies have left out important data from 23andMe, such as X-DNA and fully-identical cMs. These will be the most difficult data to collect. Some of the information is not easily found while using a mobile device, so you may want to wait until you're on a computer. Also, it's best to send invitations to your matches to share DNA as early as possible in case they aren't openly sharing total cM and chromosome browser information.

If matches have tested on multiple sites, the order of preference for submission will be 23andMe, then Ancestry, and then whichever site you choose after that. (23andMe is first because we'll always have fewer submissions from that site.)

You might want to keep notes or a spreadsheet about what you've submitted so far, but you may also request a list of your submissions.

This survey asks for email addresses and ages of testers. Your data will be treated with confidentiality.

For the email address, please enter one at which you can be contacted in case there are questions about the data. Typos and other errors do happen and it would be a shame to lose a real data point if there's just a simple and correctable mistake.

A privacy policy can be found here: https://dna-sci.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/DNA-Science-Privacy-Policy.pdf

For a bulk form to submit data, please follow this link: https://dna-sci.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/23andMe-Bulk-Submission-Form-for-DNA-Survey.csv

Submission forms for other sites will be made available upon request.
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