Sign-Up for Lindy Hop L1: Swingin' 30s
Travel back in time to the Savoy Ballroom in the 30s. Dancing the Lindy Hop with a partner begins with moving your own body. Learn to dance to swing music individually and in a partnership, build a foundation for partner connection in a friendly, welcoming and inclusive environment suitable for all ages. No experience required, just come to have fun!

Dates:  Fridays

Sep 20, 27

Oct 4, (No class on 11), 18, 25

Location: 3551 Moncton St. 

The Steveston Hub, 2nd Floor of Building

Time: 8:00 - 9:00pm

Class spots are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis. We offer small-sized classes to ensure everyone gets the help that they need. Advance registration is recommended. Class spots are confirmed upon payment. 

By filling out the class registration form, you agree with the class terms.


First-time: $90/individual

Retake: $45/individual

When you sign up for a new class, you're automatically included in all previous classes you've taken. This approach helps you reinforce your fundamentals and revisit what you've already learned, ensuring a solid foundation as you progress. 

We would love to know more about you:
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