Nomination Form for 2017 Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence – SUNY Downstate
The SUNY Chancellor's Award for Student Excellence acknowledges students who have received recognition for outstanding achievement. We are seeking nominations of students who have best demonstrated and been recognized for the integration of academic excellence with other aspects of their lives, which may include leadership, campus involvement, community service, arts (creative or performing), athletics and/or career achievement.

Campus nomination process:
Eligible students who have been recognized for outstanding achievement are encouraged to complete this nomination form.  The nomination materials (which will include a CV/resume provided by student) will be forwarded to a selection committee for each college or school. Each college or school can select up to two nominees to be forwarded to the Center-wide Selection Committee which can recommend up to 2 total students from SUNY Downstate for consideration for the SUNY award. Deadline for submission of this nomination form is December 21, 2016.

All applicants/nominees will be notified by the end of January as to whether they have been recommended as a candidate for the SUNY award. If recommended as a campus nominee/finalist for the SUNY award, the nominee's application materials will be forwarded to Albany for consideration. The Downstate recommended nominees will be notified directly by SUNY of their award status by the end of February, and, if selected by SUNY as a recipient of the Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence, will be officially recognized at a ceremony in Albany on April 5, 2017.

Please contact Dr. Jeffrey Putman, Vice President for Student Affairs, if you have additional questions regarding the nomination materials/process at: tel: 718-270-2187.

Eligibility: Only students graduating between June 2016 and May 2017 with a GPA of 3.5 or above will be considered. Only awards received while at Downstate are applicable. (Awards from another college or high school should not be included as part of the nomination form.)

PLEASE NOTE: We recommend you answer the questions in word and then paste the answers into this form so as not to accidentally delete your responses.

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Nominee Information
Nominee First Name *
Nominee Last Name *
Nominee School/College *
Nominee GPA (if known)
Nominee Graduation Date
Nominee Address *
Nominee Hometown (if known)
Nominee E-Mail Address *
Nominee Phone *
Name of Nominator *
E-Mail Address of Nominator *
Phone Number of Nominator *
Nominee's Biography
*Please share a brief student biography (75 words or fewer). Please write in the third person. (Help text: Sample bios of previous awardees can be viewed here: )
Nominee Biography *
Nominee Accomplishments
*Please list nominee’s top 3 accomplishments (50 words or fewer). Awards from another college or high school should not be included. Please use the third person. Include specifics such as the name of the award, the organization(s) sponsoring the award/recognition, and dates. (These awards should also be listed in the next section under one of the categories.)
Accomplishment #1 *
Accomplishment #2 *
Accomplishment #3 *
Areas of Accomplishment
*Please describe the nominee's awards, accomplishments, honors, and achievements using the following 8 categories for areas of recognition:  
8. OTHER.  
Note: A minimum of 5 categories (including Academic Excellence, Leadership, Campus Involvement, Community Service and Career Achievement) should be used. Only the Arts /Athletics/Other categories may be left blank. Please use the third person. Include specifics such as the name of the award, the organization(s) sponsoring the award/recognition, and dates.
1. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE. Please describe awards, accomplishments, honors or achievements in the area of ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE in the space below. Be sure to include specifics such as organizations and dates.
Application Tip. Be sure to include relevant organization name(s), selection criteria (if applicable), and dates, when listing recognitions/awards. For example, “Alex twice received the Outstanding Academic Achievement award (Fall 2013, Spring 2014), an award presented by the Department of Student Life to undergraduates who achieved a 4.0 GPA during the previous semester and maintained a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.85; and was recognized for academic achievement each semester from Fall 2013-present on the Dean’s List.”
Academic Excellence *
2. LEADERSHIP. Please describe awards, accomplishments, honors or achievements in the area of LEADERSHIP in the space below. Be sure to include specifics such as organizations and dates.
Application Tip. If the nominee had a specific role in an organization (as Secretary/Treasurer/President, Committee Member, etc.), tell us what they did, what their responsibilities included, and include dates. Be specific about describing the achievements/accomplishments. Leadership activities might include serving as a Teaching Assistant (Include dates/departments, size of class).
Leadership *
3. CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT. Please describe awards, accomplishments, honors or achievements in the area of CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT in the space below. Be sure to include specifics such as organizations and dates.
Application Tip. You may list and/or describe as many recognitions/honors as space permits in any one category but do not duplicate entries in multiple categories (for example – you could list service as Student Ambassador for the Office of Student Admissions in either the Leadership or Campus Involvement categories, but not both).
Campus Involvement *
4. COMMUNITY SERVICE. Please describe awards, accomplishments, honors or achievements in the area of COMMUNITY SERVICE in the space below. Be sure to include specifics such as organizations and dates.
Application Tip. Include details of the award/activity/accomplishment – and details about level of responsibility, how much time was involved, and the success of outreach/fundraising efforts (if applicable).
Community Service *
5. ARTS. Please describe awards, accomplishments, honors or achievements in the area of ARTS (Creative or Performing) in the space below. Be sure to include specifics such as organizations and dates.
(Note: A response in this category is not required.)
6. ATHLETICS. Please describe awards, accomplishments, honors or achievements in the area of ATHLETICS in the space below. Be sure to include specifics such as organizations and dates.
(Note: A response in this category is not required.)
7. CAREER ACHIEVEMENT. Please describe awards, accomplishments, honors or achievements in the area of CAREER ACHIEVEMENT in the space below. Be sure to include specifics such as organizations and dates.
Career Achievement *
8. OTHER . Please provide a description of accomplishments in any area not covered in the section above. Include specifics such as organizations and dates.
(Note: A response in this category is not required.)
Nomination and Support Materials
Although additional materials are not required, it is helpful if the nominator submit a formal nomination letter and a copy of the nominee's resume. These materials should be submitted either by e-mail to or can be dropped off in the Office of Student Affairs, BSB 1-114.
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