Sakura Wars Assist
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Axel Stone (Brawler) (Streets of Rage)
Crazy Taxi (Brawler) (Crazy Taxi)
Jack Frost (Brawler) (Persona/SMT)
Elise (Fantasy Star Online)
Billy Hatcher (Billy Hatcher) (Brawler)
Gillian Militia Uniform (Gunner) (Valkyrie Chronicles)
Opa-Opa (hat) (Fantasy Zone)
Professor Asobin (Brawler) (game manual)
Bonanza Bros. (Bonanza Bros.)
Vyse (Swordfighter) (Skies of Arcadia)
Gillus Thunderhead (Swordfighter) (Golden Axe)
Space Harrier (Gunner) (Space Harrier)
Kiryu Kazuma (all classes) (Yakuza)
Ulala (Gunner) Space Channel 5)
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