Magdalene May Ball Worker Application Form (25 June 2025)

Details on specific roles can be found attached to the relevant question on the form. 
For any questions regarding your application, please email 

Strong applicants for leadership roles will be invited to interview at a time that suits.  

Successful applicants for non-leadership roles may be asked for more information or a brief interview before an offer, condition to number of applications.

After submission, strong applicants can expect to be contacted within the next 3 weeks with an offer and wage information. 

The deadline to apply is 11.59pm on the 29th February, however applications will be assessed on a rolling basis, so we recommend you apply as soon as you can.

Good Luck! 

Please enter your full name *
Please enter your email address (using @cam if a Cambridge Student) *
Please enter your contact number (will only be used to contact you if email fails)
Do you have the right to work in the UK? *
Please tick the relevant box *
Do you have previous experience working at a Magdalene May Ball? *
Do you have previous experience working at any May Ball?  *
If you answered 'Yes' to either of the previous two questions, please shortly explain your roles(s) at any previous May Ball(s).
Please briefly outline any previous paid roles undertaken and their duration which relate to the position(s) you have applied for. This may include, for example, hospitality work, runner-work, or other related roles. 

If you have not undertaken relevant paid work, please put N/A
Do you have a friend/s also applying for a role at this ball who you wish to work alongside? If so, please enter their email/s (@cam if they are a student here).  
Which role would be your first choice? Please tick only one box. Refer to the document linked below for role descriptions: 2025 May Ball Job Descriptions *
Which role would be your second choice? Tick all that apply.  *
If you are applying to be a roaming photographer, please attach a link to your portfolio, or social media handle. 
Where did you hear about us?  *
(Recommended) Is there anything at all you would like to add in regards to your application? This might include experience outside paid hospitality work, skills you have that you think contribute to the role you are applying for, a resume link, or any other information you want us to know which might support your application. 
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