EYP 35 - project competition
Dear EYP members and alumni,

2022 is a momentous year for EYP - we're turning 35! EYP 35 is an important landmark in the history of our network, with three and a half decades having now passed since our formation! Through difficult recent years, the EYP has emerged resilient, reenergised and more needed than ever.

We are therefore seeking to celebrate all the efforts our volunteers make every single day – through the lens of our most media-savvy and passionate EYPers.

Apply with a project to celebrate EYP's history by December 4th, 2022, and you may win up to 100 EUR in a EYP event travel grant (for an individual win), or 150 EUR (for a group of up to 3 persons). The winner will be decided by a public vote, based on a pre-selection by the EYP Office, and will have their work shared in EYP's social media channels. Read more about the competition here.

Please contact j.silva@eyp.org in case you have any questions, or if you need any materials from EYP's history.
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Your name (first name and surname) *
Your email address *
Consent to storage of personal data *
I authorize the European Youth Parliament to store my personal data for the duration of the event and for the following 3 years, for the purpose of handling meeting logistics, as well as organising EYP internal processes, such as network-wide elections. The data will not be passed on to third parties. I am free, at any time, to withdraw my approval to this form via info@eyp.org; in this case, the respondent will have their personal data immediately deleted.
Consent to storage and use of pictures and other media shared through this form. *
By filling part in this event, I grant the EYP Office full rights to use the shared media, and any reproductions or adaptations of the images for fundraising, publicity or other purposes to help achieve the European Youth Parliament’s (EYP's) aims. This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in EYP's printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications. I understand that I am free to withdraw my consent to this at any time via contact to info@eyp.org; in this case, the respondent will have their personal data immediately deleted.
Would you like to be tagged in our social media platforms? If so, please leave below your social media links or handles!
What capacity would you be developing this project in? *
Are you submitting your idea as an individual or as a group? *
If you are submitting as a group, what is the name of your fellow group members? *
Please briefly describe your project for us. *
  • What is the project title?
  • What is the project format? (Is it a video? A photo collage? A written piece or an illustration?)
  • What does it include (interviews, old footage, a conceptual piece)?
  • If you're submitting as part of a Media Team from a Session, what Session is it?
  • Anything else you think is important to mention!
Please link your project here! *
We recommend uploading it to a drive service, and making sure link sharing is active!
Anything else we should know?
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