RLC PTSA Student Representative Application
The RLC PTSA is looking for motivated and responsible students to serve on the RLC PTSA Board.  As a student representative you get to be the liaison between the PTSA and the student body.  Being a student representative gives you the opportunity to share new ideas and thoughts about your school with the RLC PTSA as well as RLC staff members. For more information about the benefits of student leadership within the PTSA: https://www.pta.org/home/About-National-Parent-Teacher-Association/Benefits-of-PTA-Membership/Student-Leadership

Requirements:  You must be able to attend monthly Board meetings and assist with some PTSA events.
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Name *
Email *
Program (PARADE, CLIP, or CHOICE) and grade *
Why are you interested in being a student representative to the RLC PTSA Board? *
What is most important to you about the RLC? *
Do you have any ideas for new events, or other changes you would like to see at the RLC? *
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