FEWS NET Public Communications Product Pitch Form
FEWS NET communications products (including blogs, academic journal comments, press releases, Mailchimp blasts, and more) help to promote work being done across the project. FEWS NET produces content related to significant forecasts of acute food insecurity, innovations in forecasting and technology, major events related to climate and/or conflict in the context of FEWS NET's work, and more.

Pitch your ideas for a communications product using this form. Your responses will be shared with USAID and approved pitches will be assigned and updated in the FEWS NET Public Communications Tracker.
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Email *
Which FEWS NET subject area will this communications product focus on?
Which FEWS NET team is requesting this communications product? *
What is the objective of this communications product? *
Who is the intended audience? *
Please use this space to provide a succinct (3-5 sentence) summary of the communications product pitch. *
Please use this space to describe any political sensitivities or additional details the Hub should be aware of related to this topic. *
Is this communications product time sensitive? If so, please provide details and a requested publication date. *
Please share any resources (internal FEWS NET or external) that should be used as source material for this communications product. *
Please select from the following list of products to help the Hub develop a communications plan for this Alert/report.
Who from your team can be contacted as a source for this communications product? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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