Reviewer Survey for The Journal of Rheumatology
We at The Journal value your feedback. We are always looking for ways to improve your peer review experience with us.
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What are your areas of expertise? (Choose all that apply.) *
How many review requests do you receive in a week from all journals? *
Why do you choose to review for The Journal of Rheumatology? (Choose all that apply.) *
How many times have you reviewed for The Journal in the last year? *
Would you like to review for The Journal more often? *
If no, why?
Are our review instructions clear? *
If no, please specify:
Is 21 days sufficient time to review? *
If no, please suggest a timeline:
Do you find our e-mail reminders helpful? *
Rate our review process: *
What do you like about our peer review process? *
How can we improve the peer review process for you? *
Do you have a Publons account? *
Did you know that you can send your past reviews directly from ScholarOne to your Publons account?

1. Log into
2. Click “Review” on the navigation bar
3. Select “6 Receive Recognition on Publon” option on the left side menu
4. Select the reviews you would like to export
5. Click "Receive Recognition" at the bottom
Please leave us any comments that will help us to continually improve your experience with us.
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