School Library Annual/Data Reports

I use this list of school library annual reports during professional development on how to create and share the story of your work with important stakeholders. Please feel free to add your own examples to this curated list of annual reports for school libraries.

Click here to access the list without submitting a form

Please DO NOT submit the form if you do not have a link to share. Even if you are asked to do so by an MLIS instructor. These empty submissions mess up the data I am trying to collect. Thanks! 🙏

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School Name *
Grade Levels Served *
Choose the one the best describes your school. If your specific situation is not represented perfectly, please just pick whatever is closest or choose the "other" option - people can learn more about your school through your report. 
(School) Year of Your Report *
Example: 2022-23
Link to your report. (Please only include the link - when you type additional information, it messes up your link).  *
Shortened links are appreciated!
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