KSUA Show Application
Welcome to the KSUA Show Application!  Before continuing, please take a moment to read over our Mission Statement and our Show Guidelines and Rules.

KSUA Mission Statement:

KSUA is a student operated college radio station whose primary purpose is to:
• Spotlight independent, alternative, and rare music not normally heard on the radio;
• Give students a platform to share their voice live on air and learn how to record and edit podcasts in an environment that is forgiving to and welcomes making mistakes;
• Provide training and radio experience to students who want to learn a new skill and/or might go on to use the knowledge towards a future career.

Show Guidelines and Rules:

First time KSUA DJs are required to have training in order to be a DJ.  Returning DJ volunteers can always ask to be retrained.

KSUA DJs may apply for more than one show, but must submit separate applications for each show.  Priority will be shown towards ensuring all unique DJs have a slot before accepting another show.

DJs should be prepared to volunteer some time outside their regularly scheduled show.  This can be done by recording PSAs, controlling the board during hockey broadcasts, or working with KSUA Staff on other projects. It's a great way to meet your fellow DJs and give back to our community.

DJs are expected to understand and comply with all FCC Guidelines, University of Alaska rules and regulations, and KSUA policies and procedures.

The staff has the right to preempt normally scheduled programming if necessary.

Got all that? Click "Continue" when you're ready to move on.
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