Rehoming Application
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Email *
Name *
Equine premises number
Date *
Address *
Eircode *
Phone number *
Alt phone number *
Please describe the facilities where the equine will be kept, including acreage, grazing, fencing, stabling, watering *
If premises/land is leased please state length of lease *
If different from home address please state distance away *
How many and what kind of animals are kept at this premises? *
What type of equine are you interested in rehoming? *
For what purpose do you intend to use the equine? *
Please give details of your stable management experience (and riding experience if you intend rehoming an equine suitable for riding) *
If rehoming for riding please state your height and weight *
Contact details and phone number for the veterinary practice you use *
Please give 2 references from equine industry people
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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